BMW Car Club - Scotland

October 29th 2006 - The Aberdeen Big Meet

This was another running of the Aberdeen Big Meet at the Malns of Balquharn (Brewers Fayre), Portlethan.

Another good turnout saw 19 cars, including a number of new faces.

A collecting tin was circulated and the proceeds will be added to money collected earlier on in the year (from Chas's BBQ), with the money going to “The Meningitis Research Charity” [details to follow].

Following lunch, we headed off for a short drive into the Aberdeenshire countryside, finishing off with a photo shoot at Cairn o'Mount.

(Words & Pics NeRo)

Malns of Balquharn (Brewers Fayre), Portlethan

Click on thumbnail picture to see larger picture.

Photo shoot - Cairn o'Mount

Click on thumbnail picture to see larger picture.

page created by NeRo 31/10/06