BMW Car Club - Scotland

June 25th 2006 - Moffat Classic Car Show

This was the fifth time the BMWCC Scottish Region has attended this show. The weather this year wasn't as good as some previous years. However, although overcast it remained dry, but dull, throughout the day.

Another good turnout saw 19 cars, all looking highly polished and immaculate, on the display. There seemed to be plenty interest around our stand both to view our cars and find out about the club (I personally spoke to 3 Zed owners and gave them leaflets away with them - hopefully they will follow it up and join the club).

Having searched Moffat for a virgin to sacrifice and unable to find one, we ended up with the usual sacrificial burgers and sausages. Tommy took charge of the BBQ and unlike previous years, served up something that was actually edible. Thanks to Tommy and Pete for sorting out/providing the BBQ, food and drink.
(Note - we couldn't find Three Wise Men in Moffat either!)

Another "Grand Day Out" - see the photo's below.

(Words & Pics NeRo)

BMWCC Scotland Stand

Click on thumbnail picture to see larger picture.

Other Classic Cars on show

Click on thumbnail picture to see larger picture.

page created by NeRo 27/06/06